Starting on Monday August 19, 2024

Welcome to the MORE Autumn Empowerment Wellness Program

This Program is designed for women who are ready to be armed with the knowledge and empowerment they need to navigate the menopause years.

Perimenopause can start as early as 35 years old.
What you will learn in this program will help your ability to maximize your fitness and wellness for the Autumn of your life!

Your Blueprint to a Healthier, Autumn Season

Join our 8-week course to become the best advocate for your own health!

Achieve your goals and learn the skills you need to sustain

your results long-term...

without feeling restricted or overwhelmed!

Yes, I want to join with Flash Sale Price of.....

ONLY $197 $247 ($3,270 Value )!!

Maybe you have experimented in the past with elements of...

The failed "eat less and move more" method


Counting meals, calories, and macros. You've needed a spreadsheet just to eat lunch.


Colors, points, rewards, sins...All these complicated food rules are enough to make your head spin!


You're tired of endless bowls of plain rice, dry chicken breast, and limp lettuce. You crave variety and flavor!


You've tried to find the best plan but too much conflicting diet info online leaves you feeling overwhelmed.


You start off motivated, but you soon feel frustrated and fall off the wagon before the end first week is out.


Even if you've managed to get through the first few weeks of a diet, it is unsustainable to stick with long term.

Gain It Back

The most frustrating part? Even if you've managed to lose weight... you just end up gaining it all back.

My Personal Battle With Grief,

Menopause, Anxiety and Fitness

Allow me to introduce myself and my coaching philosophy....


I get it because I've lived it time and time again, and the best teachers teach from a place of personal experience. My name is Michelle Baumgard, and through grief and widowhood (2009), I found my way to fitness as a way to save my life.

It did save my life, empowered me, and gave me the physical, mental, and emotional strength to keep going after a devastating loss. In 2022, grief hit my family again, HARD, and so many of the lessons I had learned the first time came full circle for me once again.

Grief hasn't been my entire story. I've often struggled with anxiety, perimenopause, and hormonal struggles, and that seems amplified when raising a blended family. As a mom, a wife, and a business owner, I understand how overwhelming it can be to be all the things the people in our lives need us to be and take good care of our health. It's a challenge at best and a downright nightmare at worst. Images in the media tell you that you aren't doing enough, you aren't trying hard enough, and you are a failure.

At More Wellness, we take a different, no-shame approach to our programs. We hope to educate you, help you, and put you on the right path for LIFE. After a decade of training people worldwide, we've combined all our best recipes, workouts, lessons, and more into one easy-to-follow, life-changing program.

I can't wait to work with you as you head back to school and learn how to take care of yourself for you.


Life is Going to Hand You More Than you can Handle!

Autumn is a great time for a change!

It is time to rise above the rhetoric of "eat less and move more" and take your power back this Autumn. Menopause may be unavoidable but suffering doesn't have to be your reality! Let us help you learn about your body, how to train during this season of life and how to succeed at your wellness, energy levels and LIFE.


I get it, because I've lived it....

I see you and your struggle and I get it personally because I've experienced it all myself.

The first image was taken at our annual lake vacation in 2022, just a few months after we'd lost my Dad and my mother-in-law, and we'd lose my bonus mom just a few weeks later.Grief, extended travel to be with loved ones before and after loss, PERI-MENOPAUSE, and so much more were wreaking havoc on my health, my mental state, and my energy levels.I was exhausted in all ways humanly possible.

Can you relate?

Menopause takes such a significant toll on our health.

Our bodies are undergoing extreme changes, and the weight gain seems like something we can't fight despite not making dramatic changes.I remember seeing my general physician when she said, "Michelle, just eat less and move more." That sage-old fitness advice isn't good for most women's mental or emotional health in this stage of life.After all, I am a trainer, I have more nutrition certifications than I can shake a stick at, and I was doing everything that had worked for me in the PAST with little to no success.I was miserable.

I decided to advocate for my health and take back my power. At LENGTH, I studied menopause and what my body was going through, and I made drastic changes to my health and fitness routine and nutrition.I changed how I trained.I changed how I was eating.I changed how I handled stress.I also changed my mindset around perfection.

The second photo is also from our week at the lake two years later (just a few weeks ago). I'm down over 50 pounds and feeling better than ever at 51.

I'm coaching this in our upcoming Autumn Empowerment 8-week challenge that starts August 19th.


A Different Approach

Both Keith and I love what we do and we coach from a very personal place in our hearts.

We know that not only is fitness and wellness critical to your physical health, we know that it is also part of your mental and spiritual health and the health of your family for generations to come.

Who you start to live as a fit person not only will change your life but it will impact your children and how they view their own self-worth and value. This is generational healing that you are doing by changing the family narrative around health.

Even though it's so important to consider, that doesn't make it easy and we understand that because we live the struggle too. All coaches struggle with the same things our clients do, we've just learned to incorporate and prioritize the tools more consistently than most and we can't wait to help you do the same.

We are also coming off of a summer of traveling, fun with the kids and not always eating the "healthiest" we could (although we didn't do too bad). This is what life is about, making choices but not dwelling on mistakes or shaming yourself, and getting right back to making healthy choices! We know you might be in the same situation and wanted to put together a program that helps you.

We are very proud of this program and we know it will be life-changing for you if you decide you are worth the effort and the education.

After countless hours of research, collaboration and assessing client feedback, we've devised a unique approach to fat loss and created a formula based on creating sustainable habits and understanding your body's needs.

Using this formula, we've created an 8-week nutrition and lifestyle program designed to break the ineffective diet cycle. This program is your personal tool, providing the skills you need to maintain long-term results and enjoy your food and life.

We're here to ensure you step-away from dieting and step into a healthier, happier Autumn season.

Are you ready to leave the "Eat Less/Move More" Formula behind and step into a world where fat loss is sustainable, enjoyable, and tailored to you?

Your transformation is about to begin!

Ditch the old, confusing, and uninspiring fat loss lessons you've been forced to endure. It's time to embark on a brand new program designed for sustainable success, joy, and confidence.

In this 8-week course, you'll learn one new habit each week, providing you with the strong foundation you need for long-term FAT loss and maintenance. It's a masterclass in sustainable habits, designed to empower you, not restrict you.

No more fad diet detention, no more monotonous boring recipe lectures, no more cramming for impossible weight loss deadlines. It's time to embrace an Autumn season of learning, growth, and transformation.

Hear from your MORE Wellness Coaches

Here Is What We Have In Store For You!

Welcome From Coach Michelle

Workouts With Coach Kristi

Get everything you need to be top of your Autumn Season!

What's included?

Nutrition Plan

Graduate from yo-yo diets and temporary solutions. Our comprehensive curriculum provides you with easy-to-follow guidelines, setting you up for success from day one.

Recipe Pack

Processed food? No, thank you! Our recipe book is packed with more than 25 quick-to-make, healthy meals and delicious snacks, ensuring your taste buds are always excited.

Packed with Tools

Get equipped with all the tools you need for your wellness journey. From daily lessons to Q&A sessions, we'll ensure you feel confident and successful with our program.

Daily Content

Consider it your daily homework - but much more fun and rewarding! Through our coaching app, you'll receive daily lessons, tips, and ideas to help you succeed.


Our program doesn't stop when this program stops. Instead of gaining all the fat back, you'll develop habits and skills you need to maintain your results long-term.

Facebook Community

You're not alone in this journey! Join our thriving community of like-minded individuals. Share your progress, find inspiration, and get support whenever you need it.

Workouts That Work

Our Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced 3-day progressive workouts will help you become stronger, happier & more empowered to become the healthiest version of yourself.

Yoga & Meditation

One of the key components of midlife stress is leaning to put yourself into a parasympathetic nervous system. The ability to 'rest and digest' is critical to your long-term success and healing.

Weekly Zoom Calls

Want to talk to a coach weekly for a dose of our MORE motivation, inspiration and answers to your personal quesitons? We've got you covered with weekly calls that are live but also recorded for playback any time.

Quality Nutrition Food Never Tasted So Good

We've got you covered with easy to make and tasty recipes!

What About Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes?

We've got you covered there too!

Welcome to our Autumn Empowerment program

  • Comprehensive Program: An 8-week program with easy-to-follow guidelines designed to help you lose fat, build muscle and create lifelong habits.($500 Value)

  • Tasty Recipe Guides: Recipe book packed with more than 25 delicious, quick-to-make meals and snacks. Vegan and vegetarian recipes also available.($50 Value)

  • Weekly Habit Lessons: In-depth and engaging lessons to help support your journey. ($100 Value)

  • Supportive Community: A vibrant study group of fellow learners. Get inspiration and share ideas. ($100 Value)

  • Dedicated Coaching Team: Support and accountability to help you stay on track and help you overcome challenges. ($300 Value)

  • Weekly Zoom Calls: Join coach Michelle or Coach Kristi weekly for motivation, education and more! ($800 Value)

  • Exclusive Coaching App: Your personal study guide, providing a clear, step-by-step roadmap to your goals. ($150 Value)

  • Weekly Yoga or Meditation: Prompts weekly to help you build a meditation or yoga habit for life. ($70 Value)

  • Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced Workouts:

    Weekly workouts to help you increase mobility, lose fat and get stronger. ($400 Value)

  • Facebook Community: Nothing keeps you on track more than like-minded people who are on the same path. Our community is always the very best! (Priceless)

  • Weekly Videos From Your Coaches: Your coaches are going to be consistently feeding you motivation, information and education. You will have us with you ever step of the way. ($800 Value)

Total estimated Value of this program $3,270...

Your Price Now is $197!!


  • Sugar Detox Recipe Pack

  • Sugar Detox Meal Pack

  • Effects Of Cutting Out "Added" Sugar

  • Sneaky Names For Sugar

  • Blood Sugar Control

Yes, I want to join with the Flash Sale Price of..... ONLY $197 $247 ($3,270 Value)!!

Our Clients Love Us For Good Reason

We love them back....

Brilliant clients From Past Challenges

Are You Ready To Change For Good?

We will teach you how over the next 59-days!

Join the thousands of people who've experienced life-changing results.

Let Us Answer Some of Your Questions!


Talk to Coach Michelle and/or Coach Kristi WEEKLY!

We have some answers to your questions below but what's even better than a good FAQ?? How about weekly zoom calls with your coaches to answer your personal questions in real time!!

Join us once a week (live or on replay) to talk to your coaches and get our help, support and motivation in a way that helps you feel seen and heard.

We can't wait to work with you.


I'm already juggling so much with my family, will I have time for this program?

We get it, parenting is a full-time job! But our program is designed with busy parents in mind. The lessons are short and to the point, and the habits we help you build are designed to fit seamlessly into your everyday life. Plus, the recipes are quick, easy, and family-friendly!

Is this program for me if I don't need to drop fat?

Absolutely! This program is designed as a lifestyle approach to health, wellness and longevity. Fat loss is often a side-benefit but the real rewards are in how your life transforms because of the critical tools we teach in our programs.

Will my family enjoy the meals in the recipe book?

For sure!! Our recipe book is filled with delicious, nutritious meals that kids and adults alike will love. We believe that healthy eating doesn't mean bland or boring, and we've packed the book with variety to ensure there's something for everyone. Plus you can also adapt existing family favorites.

I've tried other diets before and they didn't work, how is this different?

Absolutely! Our recipe book is filled with delicious, nutritious meals that kids and adults alike will love. We believe that healthy eating doesn't mean bland or boring, and we've packed the book with variety to ensure there's something for everyone. Plus you can also adapt existing family favorites.

Will I have access to the program after the 8-weeks?

Yes, you will have access to all the information (unless you cancel) for 90-days after the challenge ends.

What if I need extra support or have questions during the program?

No worries! We've got an active online community where you can ask questions, share ideas, and get support. Plus, we host weekly Q&A sessions to help you navigate any challenges and stay on track towards your goals.

You'll love our program...

money back guarantee

We're so confident that you'll love our program, we're offering a Money Back Guarantee. If you aren't satisfied within the first 14 days, for whatever reason, we'll give you a full refund. Consider it a risk-free enrollment in your journey towards health.

Simply send us an email to [email protected] and we will happily give you your money back. We're here to make your journey towards health as seamless and comfortable as possible!

Set you alarms!

flash sale $197 pricing

ends AUGUST 12TH!

The last day to register for our Autumn Empowerment Program Flash PRICING is August 12th!!

More Wellness Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved

For support, email [email protected]

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The content provided on this website and through our services, including but not limited to information, videos, articles, social media posts, and advertisements, is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Physical Activity and Exercise Disclaimer

Participation in our wellness retreat, fitness programs, or any physical activities recommended through our platforms involves physical exertion, which may cause physical injury. By participating, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge [Your Business Name] from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of [Your Business Name]'s negligence.

The fitness tips, workout routines, and health advice shared on our social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook and Instagram, as well as any advertisements, are for general guidance only. Results may vary from person to person. More Wellness makes no guarantees about the results you will achieve and is not responsible for any injuries or health issues that may result from following advice or information provided through these channels.

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You agree to indemnify and hold harmless More Wellness and its affiliates, employees, agents, partners, and licensors from any claim, demand, damages, or losses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the services, your violation of these terms, or your violation of any rights of another.

We may update our Disclaimer from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Disclaimer on this page. You are advised to review this Disclaimer periodically for any changes. Changes to this Disclaimer are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, please contact us at [email protected]